introduction | context | targets | theme

The main objectives of High Speed/High Capacity (HS/HC) ERTMS/ETCS system are:
to integrate the national railway ATP system with the ATC system characterized to have a larger capacity than existing system; to specialize the existing railway network in the local, regional and freight transport to improve the system management;
to increase the safety of national and international railaway traffic;
to make possible the running of every train throughout the European railway network without the necessity to change the engine driver or railway material at the borders. The Italian HS/HC railway networks, inserted in Trans European Network (TEN), allows for the emphasizing of the centrality, accessibility and integration of Italian country and productive system in European context. ERTMS/ETCS level 2 , testing at the maximum speed of 360 Km/h, is the first system in Europe to work at a commercial speed of 300 Km/h with clear potential for further improvements. In the future, ERTMS/ETCS standard, applied “de iure” in Europe, is becoming more and more a world wide standard “de facto” also thanks to its applications in extra-european context. Therefore Railway Systems is interested to follow and promote the evolution of the High Speed system.