The railway system was born in the early XIX century to facilitate the movement of the persons and goods quickly and safely. The market demand for better services has encouraged the continued development of rail transport. Modern infrastructures are based on the construction of new railway lines and trains due to increasing industrialization, in which it is located for several years the Railway Systems. Its first order of business is to contribute to the development of railway network more safety and modern through the use of sophisticated techniques and methodologies. At present the high-speed rail is expanding worldwide in terms of installation of new faster, efficient and safety railway lines. In this context the company provides its knowledges and capacity of innovation for the development of the information technology, electronics and telecommunications currently used in the national and international railway field.
In particular, in order to increase the railway traffic and to improve the safety, reliability, availability of the railway networks, it is needed to introduce new technologies for the management of the on-board and trackside equipments. To obtain these results, over the years, control route trains more sophisticated have been developed. The use of innovative technologies have improved productive power of the railway system. In this sector, Railway Systems is preparing to have an increasing and important role, promoting also new international business.