A system is defined “Safety-Critical” when its malfunction can cause an environmental damages or losses of human lives. Therefore, the research and testing of innovative methodologies, in accordance with safety standard in force, are key for technological progress in the field of transport.
For this reason Railway Systems is involved for several years in the developing of research projects carried out in collaboration with leading Italian University.
In particular, for the engineering of “Safety-Critical” systems, our philosophy is to apply the basic principles of “Design For Testability” to the development and validation process and to implement a specific modularization of the system components. Besides both development and validation are carried out realizing automatic tools able to minimize the time for the system implementation and to reduce the costs for the same reliability.
The research activities are collocated in a specific business strategy that allows both to train young engineers involved in active projects, both to increase the supply of products. So, Railway Systems is able to offer to its clients both consultants, trained with research activities, and products derived from the same research activities.